I have been came across an interested requirement ( which is very valid ) to add scrollbars on the top of the regions! I have seen many times when you want to scroll right to see further data of first few records, you will scroll vertically to get to the horizontal scroll-bars. And then you do horizontal scroll and then vertical scroll to go top of the region. Aren’t you ??? 🙂
So, to ease the user interaction with IR – we should have a scrolling option somewhere on the top of the region ? – For Sure
So, how can we add scrollbars on top of the report for an Interactive Report ?
By default IR Fix the column headers to the page. This setting gives us an opportunity to add scroll-bars just below the column header as well.
Just by adding following CSS line you should get a beautiful scroll-bars just below you header and it works really great as well.
#MYIR .t-fht-thead{
overflow: auto !important;
I am also trying to find a way to add same functionality for Classic Report and I will let you all know once I figure that out.
Hope this helps!
Jaydip Bosamiya
Hi, in which section I must insert the code you provided?
Hello, you should first give static ID ("MYIR") to your IR region and insert the css code in page header Inline CSS section or in theme roller. You may ignore the Static ID if you want all your IR on that page to consider with header scrolling. If you want this to implement across your application, you should add this to theme-roller without ID selector.
Thanks, I have tried and working fine.
Hey, is it also possible for the interactive grid?
Yes, it is possible using following CSS. I have also updated the demo link with IG example.
#MYIG .a-GV-w-hdr{
overflow: auto !important;
Thanks. Its working fine.
Can you suggest how horizontal scrollbars that appear at the bottom of reports be made floating?
Thx. It woks fine 🙂
Is there any way to add the vertical scrollbar to IG?
HI Jaydip, I was wondering if you have a similar solution for classic report … I am looking for top scroll bar on classic report and nothing worked so far…
Thanks in advance..
– Teenz
Thanks , this works like a charm. However, when I add filter on columns, the horizontal scroll bar disappears. Please let me know how can I still have a horizontal scroll bar ? Thank you !
This works like a charm, but when you create a control break report. This scrollbar disappears. How do I still have the scrollbar , any clue would help here.